The Fifth Season Page 19
“I don’t know a thing. Stone’s a difficult man, but he’ll do what’s right. He’ll stand by you.”
“I don’t want that.” Emma stood and stared down at Alexa. “I won’t accept anything less than his full love for me and my child. I don’t even know how I’m supposed to choose between him and Nate. How do you just stop loving someone?”
Alexa shook her head, and they both dropped into silence.
“Hey, who died?” Stone stood in the doorway looking from one woman to the next. The emotions in the air were thick enough for him to draw a knife through. “Alexa, what a pleasant surprise.” Neither one answered, they simply stood staring at one another. Alexa’s face was pale, and he thought he noted a tinge of anger building in her posture. Emma seemed frozen, her eyes a watery green and cheeks tear stained.
“Ladies, you’re scaring me.”
Emma jerked, and turned to face him. She smiled, but it didn’t hide the hurt shining bright within the emerald depths of her gaze. “Sorry, we were just debating the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online.”
Stone frowned. “You don’t lie well. What gives?”
“Nothing,” Alexa said, rising from the couch. “Emma’s right. We weren’t agreeing with one another, and I’m so tired I gave her a hard time.” She turned and hugged Emma. “I’m sorry, sistah. I love you.”
Emma returned the hug, her shoulders more relaxed than when he first entered the room. “I love you, too.” Both women teared up, and Stone backed away hastily.
“I think I’ll come back later.”
“It’s okay, cuz. I really just stopped by to give you a hug and tell you not to be gone for too long.”
He sighed in relief as Emma and Alexa laughed softly. Okay, out of the danger zone. Man, tears scared him more than the thought of returning to the Congo. “Don’t worry. In ten days, you’ll be wishing I’d stayed away.”
“I’ll hold you to that.” Alexa hugged him and waved a hand at Emma. “I’ll call you tomorrow, Emmie.”
“See ya, Lex. Drive safely.”
After Alexa shut the front door, Stone turned on Emma. Something wasn’t right.
“What gives?”
“Nothing Stone. Drop it, okay?”
“Is this about me leaving or about those letters? Because I have to go, but I don’t have to mail the letters if you think they’re not appropriate.”
Her face softened and the love that shone from her eyes touched his heart. “The letters are wonderful. You’re an amazing man.”
“No, I’m not. I couldn’t have done any of this without you.”
He walked over and wrapped his arms around her. Holding her close, the pain of leaving suddenly slammed into his chest with a vengeance. The sharp burn made him wince, and he held tighter.
“I can’t believe you’re leaving tomorrow.”
“It’s going to be the longest two weeks of my life.”
“I know.”
“About earlier…I didn’t use any protection, are you okay?”
She sighed heavily and nestled closer. “I’m fine.”
“You said it was too late, what does that mean? I wanted to ask you then but my attention was elsewhere.” He felt her shoulders shake with laughter, and suddenly she broke away, laughing even harder. Actually, he frowned, she seemed quite hysterical. “Am I missing something here?”
“No,” Emma inhaled and swallowed. “I’m on the pill now. Don’t worry.”
“Oh,” he said, still perplexed by her behavior. “Why didn’t you say so?” She waved her hand at him and burst into another round of giggles.
“I dunno. I guess it slipped my mind. Oh please, stop looking at me like that.” Tears were streaming down her face, and her smile suddenly faltered. A hand squeezed his heart when happy tears melted into sad.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
“What for?” She bit her lip and sniffled.
“Making you cry.” He pulled her back into his arms and held tight. Stone wanted to tell her how he felt, tell her he loved her, but it didn’t feel right. Somehow his words seemed empty. He needed to show her, and to do that…he had a mission to accomplish.
Stone swung around in the office chair to glance out the window. He waited for Rex’s final call. His duffel bag sat by the front door, an ominous symbol of his departure. He didn’t know where Emma was. The scent of jasmine wafted lightly around the office, signaling her recent occupancy.
The second the phone rang, he snatched it off the base unit.
“Yeah, I’m ready.” He said, his heart pounding. Scared. That feeling didn’t sit well with him.
“Did you call Nate like I asked?”
“No, Rex. I’ve arranged for Seth to stay with Emma.”
“Stone, Nate knows how Adams reacts. He’d be an incredible asset.”
“No. That man isn’t allowed on this property.”
“But Emma…”
Stone interrupted him, not wanting to hear any more. “She’s chosen me, and that’s all I need.”
“You’re a fool.”
“Dammit Rex, give me my coordinates and stop acting like a mother hen.”
Stone quickly scribbled down his instructions. A trickle of fear skimmed his skin when Kuffuor’s name was spoken, but he tamped it down and focused on the goal. He’d not allow one life to be lost on this mission, Stone silently vowed. Not one life.
“And the plan for Seamus?” he asked.
He heard Rex take a deep breath. “It’s been approved. Both missions should take place simultaneously.”
Stone smiled in satisfaction. “Then Emma shouldn’t be in any danger.”
“I’m just covering all bases, Stone. I still think you should involve your father.”
“No. End of discussion.” Stone glance at his watch and realized he only had two hours before he needed to be at the airport. “I’ve gotta go. There’s a certain lady I want to find.”
“Good luck, buddy.”
“No luck needed.” Stone hung up the phone and wrestled with his thoughts.
He could do this.
He would do this.
He had no choice.
Emma stood in her own room, preparing it for Seth’s occupancy. She could hear the low murmur of Stone’s voice from the office, knowing he’d be discussing his mission with Rex. Indifference. She prayed for the indifference he’d once accused her of possessing.
“There you are,” Stone said.
She plastered a smile to her face and turned toward him. “Yep, just getting ready for Seth.”
“I know you don’t want him here.”
“No, I don’t. It’s going to be like spending two weeks with a two hundred pound puppy. The man’s a nuisance.”
He grinned at her. “Yes, he is.”
She couldn’t help but laugh. “He means well.”
“And he’ll make a fine watchdog.”
Sobering, Emma thought about Seth’s reason for staying at River Run. “Do you really think Seamus Adams will make a move against me?”
“Honestly? I don’t think so. We’ll hit him before he has a chance to retaliate.”
Success, Emma thought. One piece of the puzzle confirmed. “So this mission does involve him.”
The shock that flared in Stone’s eyes almost made her laugh. Did he think she was an idiot? Then his gaze flitted to amusement. “Caught me red handed.”
She shrugged. “I stopped hiding a long time ago. I’m facing a few things I wish I didn’t have to.”
Stone stepped into the room and gently traced the gold eagle nesting against her throat. “Thank you for wearing this.”
She placed a hand over his, locking his fingers against her skin. “Are you doing this for me?”
“It’s complicated, and I can’t discuss the details.”
“Revenge never solves anything, Stone. Don’t do it.” He tensed, pulling his hand away from hers.
What’s that suppose to mean?” he said.
She touched his shoulder, imploring him silently to listen to her. “Some things aren’t worth your life.”
He visibly relaxed. “You’re right.” Stone traced a finger down her cheek. “But you are.”
Emma felt the tears prick her eyes. No crying, she screamed silently. “I’m sorry I didn’t wear the necklace right away. I was angry.”
“About what?”
“It’s in the past.”
“No, I want to know.”
“It doesn’t matter.” She reached up and twined her arms around his neck. “All that I care about now is your safe return.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be back before Seth has a chance to ruin all the good work I’ve done here.” He kissed her forehead. Emma tilted her head and found his mouth with her own. Hungry, her lips insisted, and Stone responded by plundering and setting fire to her soul.
They stood within the frame of the front door. He held her tightly against his chest, afraid to let go. If she stepped back, his heart would be firmly in her hand and then how would he ever leave?
“Are we okay?” he said. His voice cracked, and he stomped his sadness down.
“Yes, we’re okay.”
“You’re not planning on leaving while I’m gone?” Stone pulled back and searched her face. An emotion lingered there he didn’t understand, and it worried the heck out of him.
“No, I’ll be here.”
“Yes,” she said with a soft sigh, touching his face gently.
“Good.” He stepped out the door and grabbed his bag. Before he reached his Jeep, he turned and looked at her one last time. He allowed his eyes to absorb her beauty, memorize it and lock it away within his heart.
“Tell Porkie I love her.”
Emma nodded and waved. The tears streaming down her face burned a path straight to his soul. He spun on his heels and ran the rest of the way to his vehicle, revving the engine, and slamming it into gear. Pulling out of River Run, he refused to look back.
Emma held one hand to her heart, the other pressed against her abdomen. She watched the Jeep fade into the distance, swallowed by the bend in the road.
“Oh baby, pray your daddy comes home. Pray he’ll be there to watch you grow and see his grandchildren. Pray he’ll rock beside me until the end of our days.”
Chapter Sixteen
Days passed in quiet solitude. Seth tried too hard, and Emma cried too much.
If she’d known pregnancy revolved around emotional insanity, she’d have opted to commit herself into a padded room for nine months.
Staring out the kitchen window, she watched the sun burn holes into the snow covered pasture. The dripping of melting icicles splashed against the window panes, and she allowed herself a few dreamy moments in contemplation of Stone’s return.
She missed him with an intensity never expected. Emma knew her life would forever revolve around him, whether he loved her or not.
She’d called the doctor earlier that morning.
After explaining her concern, the ob-gyn had reassured her that a small amount of bleeding could be entirely normal and not to worry.
It was now early afternoon, and the spotting hadn’t stopped.
Fearing the worst, Emma decided she’d better try and reach Seth or Alexa.
Emma lay on the living room couch. Her head hurt, her body ached. She was a mess.
Nate hovered over her, and she tried to sit up.
“Stay still. I want to know exactly what the doctor said.”
“Nate, you shouldn’t be here.”
“Yeah? Then why’d you call me from the hospital?”
“I didn’t know who else to phone. Seth’s out on the range and Alexa’s in New York. I’m better now, so you can leave.”
He sat on the arm of the sofa and shook his head. “Why didn’t you tell me about the baby?”
“Stone doesn’t even know.”
At that, the older man quirked a brow. “I’ll make you some soup then be on my way. But first, what did the doctor say?”
“She said I needed to stay off my feet and in bed. They’re afraid of placenta privia.”
“Uh huh. Now, convert that to English.”
“From what I gather, my placenta is attached to my uterus which is what triggered the bleeding.” Emma sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, exhausted after the hours spent in the emergency room. “They’ll know more in another month or so when the ultrasound will show exactly what’s going on.”
“I’m not going anywhere until Seth returns. You need to be in bed and not move.”
“I’ll be fine. I’m sorry I worried you.”
“Honey, you were bleeding and that’s not good. Even an old codger like me knows that. You’re pale and look like you’ve run the New York marathon. Let me take care of you.”
Emma sank back into the cushions of the couch knowing he was right. The past ten days had been a battle to breathe. She missed Stone with every inch of her body and soul and couldn’t wait for him to return.
Four more days.
Four more very long days.
This little complication with the pregnancy, would definitely make telling him easy. He wouldn’t miss the fact she couldn’t walk around not to mention greet him in the manner her body burned for.
The front door slammed.
She’d expected to hear Seth’s voice. Instead, the deep baritone of the very man she longed for echoed through the house. Her heart slammed to her chest and before she could grab his attention things whirled out of control.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Stone couldn’t believe his father stood in the kitchen, stirring a pan of something that smelled suspiciously like chicken soup.
“Don’t go jumping to conclusions, son.”
“Don’t…son? I can’t process that.”
He spun around at the sound of Emma’s voice. He couldn’t see her and then her head popped up over the couch. Was she hiding? Didn’t she even have the decency to tell him face to face that his father owned her heart and not him?
“Don’t…” he stepped back, betrayal slamming into every weary muscle of his body. The wound on his shoulder felt like a bug bite compared to the knife in his heart. How could he have been so foolish? Asense Kuffuor’s lifeless face laughed at him, and Stone thought bitterly that his enemy had won after all.
“No.” Emma sat up all the way. Her face looked rather pale, but he figured it was due to being caught. “I needed your father…”
“Obviously much more than you needed me.”
“Stone listen to me, I was in…”
“I’m not hearing another lie from your lips.” He stepped into the living room and glared at her. “That man in the kitchen,” he pointed behind him. “The one you hold so dearly to your heart, hated me…abused me and almost killed me.”
“No. I won’t believe that. It was a horrible time for him. What about forgiveness? You’re not God, you can’t judge and convict.”
“Forgive? Did you forgive the man who murdered your mother?”
“That’s different. Your father hasn’t killed anyone.”
Stone didn’t even bother to hold back. “Well, love of my life, that’s where you’re wrong. He killed my mother. Flat out shot her dead then turned the gun on his own son. Would’ve shot me too if the police hadn’t arrived.”
He watched as she turned shocked eyes to his father. “No,” was all she said.
“Oh, yes. But I shouldn’t need to tell you. You promised to stand by my side. I thought you’d chosen me, but I guess I was wrong.”
“You weren’t wrong.” Her emerald eyes pleaded for understanding, but he wrapped his heart with concrete and refused to give in.
“I’d go to the ends of the earth for you. Actually,
I did. The only thing that kept me sane these past two weeks is the thought of you. I’d die if that’s what it took for you to know.”
“How much I love you. How much I want you to love me.”
He held his hand up and shook his head. “I’m not doing this. You’ve made your choice. I wish you only the best.” Before he changed his mind, Stone turned and left the room. He passed Hugh Gallagher in the hall and nodded for him to go in.
Striding out of the house, he breathed deeply and jumped behind the wheel of his Jeep. Without another thought or moment to allow the pain in his chest to settle, he left River Run forever.
Emma sank back into the couch. The betrayal written across Stone’s face burned her eyes, tearing at her soul.
She knew that voice.
A memory…worn and tattered, surfaced. Chest tight with emotion, she raised her head above the couch. Gasping, she covered her face as tears spilled uncontrollably. Her father, thin and aged, stood less than a foot away.
“Papa…” He closed the distance and gathered her in his embrace. All she could think, all she could feel didn’t come close to the splintering and shattering of her heart, the echo of the front door slamming destroying her world.
“I’m sorry,” Nate said as he tucked the sheets around her.
“It’s not your fault.” Emma felt numb. If she hadn’t been incapacitated, she’d run after Stone and pummel sense into him. Instead, she lay in bed her sheets swathing her in heartbreak and endless what ifs.
“Is my father settled?”
“Yes. He’ll be by after he’s had a nap and shower.”
She nodded. Would she ever be able to look at her father without blaming him for the loss of her love? What irony. If only she’d attempted to understand Stone’s feeling toward his own father, she might have avoided the same herself.
Damn him. Damn Stone for risking his life to return her father. She didn’t want her father, she wanted him. And that thought alone shot a few more holes through her heart.